

On your Wellness Challenge you have a place for cheats. When is a good time to cheat?

I enjoy a good cheat once in a while, when I decide it is worth it. I call this my worth it philosophy. If I am going to cheat, I want to make sure it tastes great and I take the time to savor the flavor! To me there is nothing worse then shoveling in about 500 calories and being filled with regret. If I plan my cheats and enjoy them, I don’t feel so deprived. I also try to get in all my required nutrition first and a workout.

I use my “worth it philosophy” in many areas of my life. I make sure I will enjoy what I am going to do, that it is not against Gods word, and that I won’t regret it. How I spend my time, my finances, my calories or my cares…everything comes with a price. Thank God, His gift for us is FREE. I do find that accepting His gift makes me desire to give up the ugliness of the old.

Romans 5:19 NKJ “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.”