Holiday Tips

Holiday Tips

Do you have any Holiday tips?

Absolutely!! Christmas is a wonderful time of year. We are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. We are celebrating that we can have eternal life through Him. We are celebrating that we are forgiven for every sin in our past, present and future through our belief in Jesus as our Savior. We are celebrating a true miracle!!! My main Holiday tip is remembering the reason you are celebrating.

Other things you can do to stay fit during this season;

1. Focus on His love. He did not invent, shopping and over the top, rest in His peace.

2. Enjoy all you are doing.

3. Love those you are with. Do not be so focused on getting things done that you ignore the people in front of you. Always practice random acts of kindness.

4. Enjoy the holiday foods. Eat the items that you only get this time of year. Don’t over indulge. Simply savor the entire flavor. Practice healthy eating too.

5. Move more. Most likely you will be consuming extra calories so plan on moving more. Take the stairs, take a lap around the mall, and walk around for five minutes on the hour, park in the farthest away parking space! Intentionally decide to move more.

6. Spend within your means. Over spending is not of God. You are to only give what you have. Do you think anyone you are buying for wants you to go in debt for their present?

7. Build in margin to your day. Stress accompanies this time of year for many reasons. One reason is we take on too much. Less is more. Enjoy your moments.

These are a few things you can do to keep yourself focused on the reason for the season.

Luke 2:11 “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”