
Let Jesus be the Lord of your heart
bigstock_Looking_Out_13830239Where do we start? We start with your heart. In order to walk the walk we must center our minds, heart and bodies on honoring God. We get to God through Jesus. (“I am the way” John 14:6) When we accept Jesus as our savior, we get help every day through His Holy Spirit. He cleanses our heart.
I, Kimberly Mathews founder of Faith centered Fitness have been a Christian all my life, but I did not always have the peace inside my heart that I have today. I had a roller-coaster ride with Jesus. I believed on Him for my eternal salvation, but I did not know He could help me every day deal with life. (“I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly” John10: 10) In order to get off the roller coaster and have a good life I had to intentionally “Seek ye first the kingdom of God”(Mathew 6:33).

I have come up with seven steps to keeping Jesus front and center. They are illustrated on my logo’s front wheel. The most important step is ASK HIM IN!

In addition to asking Him in we need support in our walk with God. Step 7 is share. Share is CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Part of Faith Centered Fitness’s mission is to unite people in Christian fellowship.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken”
You can unite with other Christians trying to walk the walk, by joining our blog, following us on Facebook, receiving our Fit Bits, attending one of our retreats, seminars or having Kimberly come to your group and help you start a support system in your area – email her to inquire.