Super Stressed

Super Stressed

I am super stressed! I cannot exercise per Doctors orders! My sisters are attacking me personally over things that are not true. Help!

You sound much stressed… exhale and trust God. When people attack us, we need to stay strong in the Lord. We all get attacked from time to time by various trials. Paul said, “I have learned to be content in whatever state I am in.” Philippians 4:11

Exercise is a great tool to reduce stress. If you cannot exercise, you can still combat stress. Try prayerful meditation. Practice sitting quietly and thinking of nothing but the back of your eyelids and your breathing. After you have been able to calm your mind, think of Jesus and how much He loves you. Try envisioning yourself sitting in His lap surrounded by His love. Read the Bible. Practice taking care of yourself with nutrition, sleep and healthful recreation. Practice forgiveness. I find that praying for people helps me forgive them. Sometimes I choke on my words at first. Eventually God changes my heart and I find heartfelt forgiveness for those who‘ve offended me. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to help deal with stress.

Mathew 6:14 “If you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”